Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITB Syndrome) is a frequently encountered condition treated by the skilled and committed team at Engaged Motion Osteopathy. ITB Syndrome affects the knee joint, causing pain on the outer or lateral area of the knee.

The Iliotibial Band, often referred to as the IT band, is a soft tissue extending along the thigh’s side from the pelvis to the knee. Friction between the IT band and other underlying tissues, typically during the knee joint’s bending and straightening motion, can cause irritation and inflammation, leading to Iliotibial Band Syndrome.

At Engaged Motion Osteopathy, we have treated numerous patients with ITB Syndrome. We have found that the following groups are more prone to this painful and sometimes debilitating condition:

Individuals who spend extended periods in the same position, such as sitting or standing, often due to workplace requirements.
Athletes who perform repetitive movements in their sports activities, such as running or cycling.

Our patients have reported various signs and symptoms of Iliotibial Band Syndrome, including:

Persistent pain in the affected knee area after activity.
Swelling in the affected knee area.
Sharp and stinging pains along the knee’s outer area.
Snapping sensations, with patients often describing the “IT band snapping” over the knee during movements like bending and straightening.

At Engaged Motion Osteopathy, we use a holistic treatment approach to help patients with ITB syndrome. We strive to comprehend the overall biomechanical factors contributing to the problem. We work with our patients to identify the pain’s causes, addressing the root cause rather than merely treating the existing symptoms.

Our treatment process includes employing advanced manipulation techniques to release tension in muscles like the hip flexors, activating and strengthening supportive muscles in the area. We also advise our patients to rest from strenuous activities, allowing the knee time to heal and relax, given the syndrome’s repetitive and overuse nature. Additionally, we use gentle techniques and strategies to promote proper movement as a preventative measure, significantly reducing the instances of our patients suffering from ITB syndrome.

If you are experiencing knee joint pain and are dealing with ITB syndrome, we recommend contacting the team at Engaged Motion Osteopathy. Our experienced team members will collaborate with you to create a personalized, holistic recovery and treatment plan encompassing multiple treatment forms, including rest and recommended supplements. Our team will also take the time to understand your concerns and the biomechanics that may be affecting your condition, ensuring that you feel well supported throughout the recovery process.

Serving the local community, our goal at Engaged Motion Osteopathy is to help our patients lead pain-free lives, fully participating in the sports, hobbies, and activities they enjoy.

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